Let us join your St. Valentine Day’s party! Some cynic people tried to assure us that this holiday has homosexual nature. They say, that Valentine, a Roman pastor, married gays and lesbians so it can’t be a holiday for true religious couples. But we are sure that February 14th is a cause to show your most honest feelings to your spouse. Our team has published a short description of gift ideas to this date. 1 year passed since that publication. So meet updates parade.


Traditional values

Dyvooo’s production line continues to develop normally. The branded team’s focus includes traditional values of our ancestors multiplied by worldwide Ukraine’s image as open and peaceful country. Some new animals, which symbolize the best human qualities in cultures of fraternal people. All you need to do is to choose sincere gift. Express your feelings with branded T-shirt set. Male and female shirts will illustrate family relations better, than doctors summed by neighbours. The best combinations are: Ermine and BisonCancer and FishLion and FoxDragonfly and Defender.


Idealistic variety

Our talented designers realized some revolutional decisions for loved people. For example, the accessory “Fascinating love” will empower the romantic atmosphere. The alternative is a combination of our new offer – red women’s t-shirt without printed image and classic white or grey for men. The latter products mainly decorated with kissing monkeysWe’re sure that passion color will become the season’s trend. If you want join us, choose red female sweatshirt. Such gift for St. Valentine’s Day will please every girl, if her boyfriend adds his soul to it.


Treat with each element

Gift competence is a great art which is obligatory for every amorous people without regards to sex. Each element of the set must demonstrate the sincerest and kindest declarations of your love. You must present the gift in colorful tiny package or box. If you choose branded goods by Dyvooo, you’ll get the useful spanbond package. You can use it for purhases for a long time. Besides, the stylish corporate brand design will embarrass the origination of present. Use it as hint for your spouse who has brought the accessories for it. Every time, when your spouse takes it, your family will remember the branded souvenir by Dyvooo.

Don’t lose opportunity to get useful accessories whit treat your pair. For example, a ticketcase with Dyvooo eyes is a best addition to romantic vacation. We recommend you to choose a print with popular nickname between your couple: foxy, kitty, dragonfly, hare etc.

If you present a new iPhone to your spouse, take care about reliable original case. Prefer qualitative ethnic cases to Chinese consumers goods which end their lives quickly then phones. It’s time to show that Ukrainian manufacturers are the best! Dyvooo uses only recyclable materials. So we take care about our planet and Ukrainian’s image as remarkable worldwide.

Universal gifts

The accessory brought to you by branded Dyvooo team is a universal gift. The reasons may vary – anniversary, birthday, as a souvenir to foreign partners or romantic accent on meeting. Besides, it’s a huge plus in karma of the Ukrainian fan. All production cycle is concentrated in Ukraine. Let’s support national manufacturers and buy their goods!